Need some help with marketing?

Having an effective marketing strategy is key to ensuring you stand out in a crowded market.
Our tailored strategies and creative will help you get noticed and attract new customers.

Graphic design

No matter the size of the job from a business card or a logo to a full branding project or a 30 page whitepaper were here for you. And you deal directly with the person who’s working on your project.

Website design

Your website is the front door to your business. We’ll make sure you create a great first impression. We also harden your site against cyber attacks with the latest monitoring technology.

Social media

We create thought leadership programs with content that engages and nurtures prospective clients.

Digital marketing

We create online campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time, with the right message.

How recogonisable is your brand?

Having a consistent look and feel across everything your business communicates, is critical to building customer recognition. Think about your favourite brands. You can immediately recognise them; often without even seeing the logo. That’s because they’ve invested in creating a compelling visual identity. It’s not just the big guys that need brand consistency, you do too. And it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg! 

Effective marketing strategies for SMBs
effective marketing
Effective marketing strategies for SMBs

Is your brand top of mind?

For effective lead generation, you need 2 things: a good plan and time to let it work. Think about the brands you engage with. How many communications did you see before you responded in some way. The chances of a single post or ad finding a customer who’s perfectly positioned, and ready to act, are slim.

However regular and relevant communications that resonate with your audience will ensure that when they are in the buying cycle, that you are in the consideration set.

What you get from
a good marketing strategy

There’s a lot of so-called experts out there that want you to believe marketing is a lot more difficult than it really is?

Marketing starts with the customer. The more you know about your ideal customer and their situation, the easier it is to aim relevant messaging at your targeted audience. Next we need to know about your product or service. Specifically how your potential customers perceive your business and how it can improve their situation. Those two things alone put you ahead of most of your competition and help you have meaningful conversations about value rather than price. 

Find more ideal clients

Why do clients buy from you?

What problem are you solving for your clients and why do they choose you over someone else? These insights ensure your marketing becomes much more targeted and efficient.

Differentiate your offer

Having the right conversations?

Technical specifications and product features don’t represent real value for your clients. Are you going beyond 'feature and benefit', to what really builds preference?

Build more client value

Are you a supplier or a partner?

Successful brands are seen as a strategic partner, rather than a transactional supplier. They build trust with their clients, making it hard for competitors to engage.

No hard sell here, just advice.

Your clients are spoilt for choice and time poor. So, how do you make sure your message resonates with them? Successful businesses have a marketing strategy to keep them focused on what’s important to their customers.

“What activities will be most effective and, how do I prioritise my budget and resources?” This is why a marketing strategy is crucial.

We can help you build that strategy and then execute it.

I’ve been marketing products and services for over 30 years in companies and agencies, big and small, so let’s talk!

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